Checkpoint 56, in Israeli-occupied Hebron, is a fearsome sight to behold. Flashed before your eyes in a Rorschach test, it could be taken for a high-voltage substation, or an industrial meat grinder.
Fast Forward
ArticlesRob Kendrick — aka Shakydad — is a highly successful guy with Parkinson’s Disease. Listen to him reflect on the challenges and changes Parkinson’s has offered up, for worse and for better.
A mild mid-March in Canada’s notoriously frigid prairie capital cannot be definitively pinned on global climate change. Still, for anyone willing to listen, read and watch, the writing is on the wall. Earth is warming — and fast.
Camphill residents would never describe their community as an institution. It’s home, community, and a way of life.
Will global capitalism eventually wean itself off fossil fuels? Can wind, solar, geothermal and other renewable energy sources generate enough joules to drive permanent economic growth? Should carbon emissions be taxed?
A year-round program of bi-communal basketball games helps Greek and Turkish Cypriot teens shed stereotypes and make friends while modeling coexistence on a divided island.
It’s not a new or unique story. The factories in a blue-collar industrial town grow silent and the character of the city surrounding them is transformed.
When the early organizers of a union for United Church ministers approached the Canadian Autoworkers in 2004, they had no idea that they were creating a whole new way for workers to organize.
Things constantly change. Everyone knows it. Steady, sometimes sudden change provides contour to individual human lives. Now, it seems humans have changed planet Earth like it’s never been changed before.
Welcome to Fast Forward: Stories of Challenge & Change — a brand new series of the Green Planet Monitor’s about life on Earth. Join us over the next four months. Listen, Read, Watch.
In an agronomy lab and farm field in Montpellier, France, scientists are uncovering the secrets of one of the world’s great crops. The potential spin-offs for global green economies are huge.
Winnipeg’s Social Enterprise Center builds community in the north end of Prairie Canada’s capital — from the inside out.
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[…] US military nuclear testing site. At the time, residents were relocated to nearby Rongerik and Kwajalein atolls before arriving at Kili Island in […]