

No Reason to Cheer

A conversation about the downfall of Bashar al-Assad with Columbia University professor Jeffrey Sachs, and about the global nuclear menace with Columbia chemist and nuclear arms analyst Ivana Nikolic Hughes

Corruption, Crimes & Incompetence

In the wake of Bashar al-Assad’s downfall at the hands of a small army of jihadist rebels — no doubt aided and abetted by the US and Israel (aka Israel-USA) — the GPM speaks with Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs. From events in Syria, our conversation turns to the non-existent rule of law, prospects for Palestine once Donald Trump moves into the White House, and the nature of competent leadership.

Microbe Magic

Fermented foods — very nutritious, very magic. The GPM speaks with a microbe magician. Taking stock of biological diversity, using DNA barcodes. The GPM speaks with several DNA barcoders. And, a frightening vision of a warming planet: Hothouse Earth. A conversation with Earth systems pioneer, Will Steffen.

Sex in the Brain

Powerful new antibiotics discovered using artificial intelligence. Sitting in a restaurant, staring at a piece of fish. Is it really that expensive kind? Pull out your DNA barcode reader, and find out. And, sex and the brain; women’s and men’s are wired differently; men’s brains are sexualized before they’re born.


Almost a million uncommitted US voters want Kamala Harris to stand up for an arms embargo on Israel, and an end to the Gaza genocide. The GPM speaks about this, and more, with CODEPINK co-founder Medea Benjamin. And, why does Germany criminalize pro-Palestine discourse? It’s not about Auschwitz, it’s about NATO. The GPM speaks with Wieland Hoban, Chairman of Germany’s Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East — Jüdische Stimme.

Base Nation

Israel’s 57-year military occupation of Palestine is unlawful, the World Court rules, and must come to end. Will Israel abide by the ruling? Will countries like Canada enforce it? Washington certainly won’t. The GPM speaks about Canada’s response with Ottawa commentator Peter Larson. And, perpetual occupation of other people’s lands is an activity the US supports, defends and engages in, all around the world. The GPM speaks with United States of War author David Vine.

Mobile Petri Dishes

Mobile phones — smart, incredibly useful. Life support systems. They’re also mobile Petri dishes! The GPM speaks with a microbiologist who knows. And the roots of the US anti-abortion movement; misogyny, racism, hatred toward immigrants. A conversation with American academic Lauren MacIvor Thompson.

Genetic Gold Mine

The wheat genome — much larger than the human genome, and packed with lost alleles for resilient wheat in a warming world. Plant researchers in the UK and China united to sequence the source code of long lost wheat varieties. And, at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Israel’s never-ending occupation of Palestine has been declared illegal. The GPM speaks about the ruling with former UN Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk.

Apes on Steroids

The Great Acceleration: Earth systems commandeered by permanent human growth economics, fueled by coal, oil and gas. A quarter of the planet’s core energy base — natural primary productivity — appropriated for human food, fiber and fuel production. The GPM speaks about human socioeconomic metabolism and appropriation of net primary production with Vienna University ecologist Fridolin Krausmann. And, about the mid-20th century Great Acceleration with Georgetown University historian John McNeill.

Tipping Points

In the heart of one of Canada’s biggest cities, paradise. Below a city dweller’s feet, a pulsating, living network. All around us on this living planet, the clear and present danger of sliding into oblivion.

Land & People

Clinging to the walls of a fertile valley beneath the city of Bethlehem, a half dozen kilometers south of Jerusalem, alienated from the holiest of Palestinian towns by walls, barbed wire and a string of mega-colonial settlements, boxed in by settler-only roads and militarized checkpoints, Mazin and Jessie Qumsiyeh and their friends are planting native Palestinian seeds, growing fruits and vegetables, raising chickens, rabbits and fish, and offering up habitat for birds, insects and other wildlife. Rescuing their beloved landscape cruelly scarred by land thieves without true roots.

Arms Bizarre & Killer Drones

Fear and loathing in Doha. Merchants of death and their state clients hobnob. An intrepid Canadian journalist captures it all on his smart phone. The GPM speaks with Dimitri Lascaris about his experience. On the other side of the planet, in Ottawa, the Canadian military shops for surveillance drones that can kill. We speak about killer surveillance drones with Matt Korda, from the Federation of American Scientists.

Day of Two Suns

The Day of Two Suns: 70 years ago, the Pentagon conducted its biggest-ever atmospheric H-bomb test at Bikini Atoll, in the Marshall Islands, in the central Pacific. The 15-megaton Bravo shot spewed radioactive fallout on thousands of Marshallese, and long-lived radioisotopes all around the planet. Nearby Rongelap Atoll suffered the worst. Seventy years later, the people of Rongelap and Bikini have yet to go home.

The Fire Beneath

Living on the edge of inferno. Perfectly normal for the people of Iceland, where volcanoes and ground cracks spew red hot magma. The GPM speaks with an Icelandic Earth scientist. Magma and the rock it turns into can be put to work, pumping carbonated water into it, turning atmospheric CO2 into limestone, for good. We speak about this with a Columbia University geologist.

Microbe Magic

We’ve all heard it before: Eat less meat. People lucky enough to eat, should eat less of everything. Microbe magic! Having fun with microbes. Growing them! And, Jerusalem, Jerusalem! Israel’s eternal, undivided capital. For Jewish Israelis, not for indigenous Palestinians.