Artifiical intelligence


Algorithmic Warfare

Artificial Intelligence — to translate voices or access your bank account; to select targets to bomb and a few people to kill, along with thousands of others you weren’t targeting. The GPM speaks with the Realities of Algorithmic Warfare Project. Wherever you are in occupied Palestine, Israeli soldiers target everyone and everything, children’s theaters included. Last July, the GPM spoke with Mustafa Sheta, founding director and General Manager of the Jenin Freedom Theater. Today, he sits in an Israeli jail, one of 8000 Palestinian political prisoners.

Green Planet Monitor Podcast

Artificial Intelligence: existential threat to humanity, or just to basic civil rights? Personal DNA testing – you never know what you’ll find. And, Forever Chemicals in the blood of pregnant mums and their babies.

Green Planet Monitor Podcast

Powerful new antibiotics discovered using artificial intelligence. Sitting in a restaurant, staring at a piece of fish — Is it really that expensive kind? Pull out your DNA barcode reader, and find out! And, sex and the brain; women’s and men’s are wired differently; men’s brains are sexualized before they’re born.